Allie Dixon came back to our class to teach ECG and 12 lead electrode placements. We briefly learned about SA and AB Nodes as SA nodes keep the blood flow and keeping you alive. Athletes as a whole have lower heart rates then the average person. Atrial flutters have regularities that can very as atrial fibrillation is irregular with no P waves. Atrial fibrillation also has PR intervals that are non identifiable. Many Rules for ECG Interpretations are: determining irregular vs. regular. The rate can be either normal, slow (which is Brady Algorithm), or fast (which is Tachy Algorithm). P Wave Morphology can be: Upright> round>uniform>sinus nature>4/5, or absent> consider atrial or ventricular, or inverted> consider junctional>4/5. PR Intervals can range between 0.12-0.20 seconds with normal PRI> No variance> consider sinus, or normal or wide/narrow PRI> w/ or w/out variance> consider Heart Block. QRS duration (0.08-0.11 seconds) with narrow> consider atrial or normal> sinus or Junct or wide > consider ventricular. With all this information being mentioned, a student from my class got to be hooked up to a 12 lead electrode to find his heart-rate. We recorded his resting and active heart-rate to compare the two.
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