This week, my biomed class had the opportunity to attend a Toastmaster's meeting. Toastmasters International is a club that promotes the development of public speaking and communication skills. Because of our upcoming presentation in the spring, we are starting to hone in on developing our public speaking skills. The meeting was very professional as they followed a strict schedule minute by minute of their intentions with the meeting. Everyone is very comfortable with everyone, and I can tell how everyone is confident speaking. Kaleb was called on randomly to test hill skills by asking him to create a headline and newspaper article about ourselves. While it was intimidating, stepping out of our comfort zone is necessary to learn to public speak. I was called on to speak about myself and where I get my information from. I was not nervous and enjoyed speaking. At the end of the meeting, they talked about how many "ums" and filler words were used. I luckily was the only one that did not use filler words.
While I was not in class for the stuttering and stammering, I can speak about watching Lexi's outreach project to the class. She presented her outreach on ultrasounds and the different types there are. After her slides, we had the chance to watch her use our very own ultrasound machine on Gracie's Carotid artery. It is super awesome to know that we have the facility to learn such great things!